A look at partner management and the connection process
Our vision is a nationwide digital learning space that connects learners, teachers and educational programmes. In order for this vision to become a reality and for “Mein Bildungsraum” to offer something for all ages and circumstances, as many education providers as possible must connect to the technical components and network with each other in the digital learning space. While the design of the learning content remains exclusively with the partners and the learning takes place there, the network infrastructure enables comprehensive access to all learning opportunities.
More and more education providers are connecting to the technical components of “Mein Bildungsraum”. These include, for example, the digital learning platform Serlo Education, the Lower Saxony registration service moin.schule, the communication infrastructure DFN (German National Research and Education Network) and the online services of the VHS (adult education centres). Many other partners are currently in the integration phase. This means that they are currently connecting the desired technical components (identity management, wallet app or data space) to their own services and testing their functionality with our integration team. Once everything runs smoothly, an agreement is signed. With the start of the open beta phase, the connected partners can then work with real data in our production environment.
We help education providers connect to the platform
If you operate an educational platform or have developed a digitally supported education programme, we would be happy to discuss the connection process with you. After an initial meeting, we will discuss the connection perspective, possible technical components and utilisation scenarios. Our technical experts will then be happy to assist you with the technical connection itself.
Interested? Please contact us at anbindung(at)meinbildungsraum.de.
In-depth info for technology enthusiasts
Three interfaces are currently offered for connection. Support for the authentication standards OpenID Connect or SAML is required for the connection to the “digital identities” component. The requirements for a connection to the “wallet app” would be, for example, the “Docker” or “Kubernetes” runtime environment and the use of a “MongoDB” database. Knowledge of REST APIs and JSON as well as programming skills should be available for the connection to the “data space”. We also provide you with all the requirements, technical details and the necessary steps for connection in a connection tutorial.
Some partners are already part of the so-called demo landscape that we have created during the current beta phase to demonstrate the technical functionalities. For example, Serlo can be used to test logging in with the Bildungsraum-ID (access to “Mein Bildungsraum”) and to send a fictional learning progress to the “Mein Bildungsraum” education app (wallet). In the future, the connected partners will replace the fictitious actors within the demo.
Further information
- Further information on the connection can be found on the connection page.
- Find out more about the research and development projects (German) that are currently testing the connection to “Mein Bildungsraum” in the funded implementation phase.
- Already a test user? Test the new demos here (German) .